GQ Australia shouts out Top Blokes and young men’s health

[Source: GQ]

You’ve grown an upper lip awning in support of Movember, and you’ve donated to Beyond Blue. Nice! But what about the grassroots organisations you maybe haven’t heard of, that are doing their bit to support men’s health nonetheless?

The events of the past few months have taught us many things. But one truth that’s become abundantly clear is that health in Australia – as it pertains to men and society in general – is a very broad and subjective concept. And despite the fact our health and hospital system is, in the scheme of things, pretty solid (another thing COVID-19 has put into perspective), it’s important to acknowledge that access to health services was not created equal. Often, those who need support the most have the most barriers to receiving it.

With this in mind, GQ pulled together a list of charities and organisations that reflect the great breadth of health issues facing Australian men – all of us. Because a nation isn’t healthy until (and unless) all of its people are.

GQ spotlighted Top Blokes Foundation’s work with boys and young men at a formative age to develop positive habits and empower them to change the culture of men’s health. By laying a foundation of positive health, young men can grow to steer the direction of men’s mental health and their relationships with the people and communities around them.

Here’s their excerpt:

Top Blokes Foundation

The health and wellbeing of our little tackers must be nurtured if Australian gents are to thrive later in life. Top Blokes is all about building this foundation. Through mentoring programs for boys aged 10-24, the organisation equips young and underprivileged whippersnappers with the social skills they need to succeed in school and prosper in society.