Get Involved

We can’t do it without you

Since our early days in the Illawarra, we’ve supported over 20,000 young males across NSW and QLD to be leaders in their own lives. We’ve championed them to never underestimate themselves and fostered a belief in their ability to create positive change in their local communities.

The truth is, none of our achievements are possible without people like you. Top Blokes is like a big family – one that works together to raise awareness about male issues and create a world where more young males lead healthy, safe, and fulfilling lives. Your involvement sparks the positive change we champion.


Support a Top Bloke

Your donation helps us foster resilience, empathy, and wellbeing in boys and young men.

Fundraise to make a difference

Join Team Top Blokes

Unleash your inner Top Bloke to raise funds and help us reach every boy in Australia.

Start Fundraising

partner with us

We believe in the power of collaboration. Whether you’re a corporate organisation, foundation, small business or an individual, together we can make a significant and lasting impact across local communities. It’s through joint efforts that we can shift the dial for boys and young men, building healthy and safe communities while igniting a sense of purpose.

Ready to join forces for positive change?


Launching our Sustainability Fund

‘When your mental health is the issue, you can’t run. You can’t get rid of it. The only way to help yourself is to get the appropriate help from those around you can confide in.’ – Zac (16)

The Top Blokes Sustainability Fund ensures the long term sustainability and viability of our operations – so we can keep on supporting young male health long into the future.

Learn more

Logan's Legacy

Check in, Reach out, Speak up

In 2023, Karina Foran and husband Kieran Foran, Gold Coast Titans player and Top Blokes Ambassador experienced the tragic loss of her son and his stepson Logan. Logan’s death by suicide brings to light the stark reality that 75% of the 3,000 suicides each year in Australia are boys and men.

help logan's memory live on

Let’s Chat

Want to bring Top Blokes to your school? If you’re an educator, teacher or wellbeing coordinator, let’s talk about what Top Blokes can bring to your community

Let's talk

Join the Movement

We believe that all boys and young men deserve to build strong foundations for positive mental health, no matter who they are, or where they come from.
That’s why we’re building a youth-led movement for change

Learn More