
Seven tips for Positive Conversations with your pre-teen son

What: Guide
For: Parents, Carers

Embark on a journey to deepen your bond with your pre-teen son. Our guide, ‘SEVEN TIPS FOR POSITIVE CONVERSATIONS WITH YOUR PRE-TEEN SON’ offers actionable strategies to nurture open communication and mutual respect.

Discover how to create meaningful connections, ensure your son feels valued and understood, and foster his independence. 

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5 Keys to unlocking conversations with your teenage son

What: Guide
For: Parents, Carers

Tackling tough talks with your teenage son? Our guide, ‘FIVE KEYS TO UNLOCKING CONVERSATIONS WITH YOUR TEENAGE SON’ offers expert insights and practical strategies to help you approach discussions on sex, drugs, and mental health with confidence and empathy.

Learn to create a supportive environment where your son feels safe to open up, fostering a deeper bond and empowering him to make informed decisions.

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For: Teachers, Head of Wellbeing, Coordinators

Life as a teenager can sometimes feel pretty intense. Juggling school, social life, assignments, and friendships, not to mention the physical and emotional changes. But there are six simple things we can all do to help lay the foundations for positive mental health.

Display the Big 6 poster in your school, classroom or wellbeing hub.

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Carry the weight, SO THEY DON’t HAVE TO

During Mental Health Month this October, join us as we Lift the Load for better mental health for boys and young men.


Need support?

Free, confidential help is available 24/7. View our list of services.

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