Top Blokes named Australian Charity of the Year

Top Blokes Foundation has been recognised as the Charity of the Year by The Australian Charity Awards 2022. This is an incredible honour that highlights the need to shine a spotlight on young men’s health.

The Australian Charity Awards program recognises charitable organisations that have achieved outstanding results through initiatives that have significantly benefitted charitable causes, culminating in an overall winner for the Australian Charity of the Year.

Our selection was announced with on a statement on The Australian Charity Awards website about the expansive impact our Mentoring Program continues to have on young men and their well-being and behaviours.

“Top Blokes programming was developed out of high demand from schools for services that were specialised for young males due to high levels of disengagement from schools, poor mental health and disruptive behaviour. In engaging young males in a fun and interactive manner, peer mentoring has been able to deliver outcomes far beyond initial expectations. In developing the program to ensure maximum outcomes for young males…Top Blokes uniquely positioned their program as the only weekly mentoring program that goes for 6 months with paid, qualified mentors.

Top Blokes has 90-95% retention rates in schools they are partnering with and has always been in hot demand because of the impact the program has had on young males and its ability to reach through to boys when no one else can.”

This is such a wonderful recognition of the amazing work our Mentors do in supporting young men to improve their mental health and social well-being. We’re incredibly proud of the team, and especially thankful to you for continuing to invest in us to change the landscape of young men’s health.

Your engagement, donations and fundraising enable us to keep doing the important work of empowering young men to be Top Blokes.

With qualified Mentors to guide them, young men can develop the skills to end the stigma around mental health, and build strong, healthy and respectful relationships with themselves and those around them. YOU help us do this.

Thank you, and let’s keep going!

#mentalhealth #healthyrelationships #ItStartsWithUs